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East Islip Dental Care Blog

Dedicated, High-Quality Dentistry Your Family Can Rely On

Dentist in East Islip Reveals Why Now Is the Time to Maximize Your Dental Insurance

November 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 4:47 pm

Smiling man in the dental chair. Winter is upon us and the holidays are fast approaching! It’s an exciting time of the year that has you focused on food, family, parties, and presents. The last thing you’re likely worried about is visiting the dentist; however, here’s why it’s a good time to give your dentist a call. Your dental insurance is likely to run out at the end of 2018, and you want to be sure to maximize it before it does. Your dentist in East Islip explains.


Dentist in East Islip Discusses Periodontal Deep Cleanings

October 24, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 5:31 pm

Happy mature couple. Gum disease affects over half of American adults over the age of thirty; however, it is common for people to be unaware they have this condition. It’s slow moving and tricky to diagnose on your own in the beginning. Your dentist in East Islip explains why it’s so important to properly diagnose gum disease and successfully control your condition with a periodontal deep cleaning and follow-up visits afterwards.


Your Dentist in East Islip Explains Why Materials Make a Difference

October 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 5:21 pm

High quality porcelain restorations. You’re enjoying a dinner out with your family when you feel that tell-tale crack in your mouth. You fear you’ve broken a tooth, when you realize it’s actually a crown that is broken. You can’t believe it because this crown was just placed a few weeks ago! Unfortunately, in the world of dentistry, not all dental materials are created equally. Your dentist in East Islip explains.


The Benefits of Dental Appointments with Sedation Dentistry in East Islip

September 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 5:40 pm

Fearful woman covering her mouth. If you suffer from fear or anxiety when you visit the dentist, you know how hard it makes it to go to your appointments. In fact, for some people, it is so debilitating that it keeps them away from the dentist, which can exacerbate problems with their teeth or oral health. If you feel that knot in your stomach when it’s time to go to the dentist, you should know that sedation dentistry in East Islip can help!


Why it’s Important to see Your Dentist in East Islip Every 6 Months

August 24, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 6:02 pm

Woman with a beautiful smile. Visiting the dentist for checkups and cleanings may feel like an inconvenience, especially when things are going well with your teeth. It takes time out of your busy day, and it seems unnecessary if your teeth aren’t hurting. However, being consistent about these appointments is one of the reasons your teeth don’t hurt. Here are some other explanations why it’s so important to see your dentist in East Islip every six months.


Your Dentist in East Islip Explains What to Do During a Dental Emergency

August 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 5:57 pm

A woman experiencing dental pain. Whether your tooth is broken or completely knocked out, the first thing you probably want to do during a dental emergency is panic! This is completely normal, but don’t do it. Remain calm because you can rest assured that when you have the right dental team on your side everything will be alright. Your dentist in East Islip also has tips on what you can do before you arrive at our office to make your situation less stressful, so read on.


What Happens If I Don’t Replace a Missing Tooth? Your Dentist in East Islip Answers

July 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 5:50 pm

Man covering his smile. When you are dealing with excruciating tooth pain from an infection, or a severely fractured or damaged tooth, the last thing you are thinking about is replacing that tooth. You just want it removed so you can get back to being comfortable and proceed with your life. However, it’s important to discuss replacement options for your tooth with your dentist in East Islip as soon as you can, and here are the reasons why.


Invisalign Vs. Traditional Braces

April 19, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 2:28 pm

Woman with clear plastic aligner. Are you tired of worrying about what people think of your smile when you meet them? Have you forgotten when the last time was you smiled with confidence? When you have crooked teeth, the appearance of your smile is always on your mind, and it can take a toll on your confidence. If you’ve considered straightening your teeth, but the idea of wearing traditional braces is holding you back, Invisalign in East Islip may be the solution for you. Here’s how it works.


The History of Dental Implants

March 30, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 3:04 pm

An image of a dental implant.People have understood the value of replacing missing teeth for thousands of years, and it has motivated them to try many different ways of doing so. In ancient China, bamboo pegs were used to restore smiles, while the Mayans used seashells to replace teeth. Modern dental implants in Islip have come a long way even though the biocompatibility of titanium used for implants today was discovered by accident.


Need a Dentist When You’re Available?

March 20, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 10:49 am

Smiling woman in the dental chair.These days our schedules are only becoming more hectic. Between work demands and your kid’s school and extra curricular activities it’s hard to keep things straight. How can you ever fit your medical and dental appointments in on top of everything else? Your evening dentist in East Islip has the answer for you!


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